Гранти для сприяння захисту прав людей з інвалідністю

Гранти для сприяння захисту прав людей з інвалідністю
23 Жовтня 2015
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Ivan_picКонкурс здійснюється у рамках Проєкту “Об’єднуємося заради реформ” (UNITER) та спрямований на підтримку громадських ініціатив, що сприяють захисту прав людей з інвалідністю.


Persons with disabilities in Ukraine face a number of barriers whereby they can even be partially or totally refused their rights to education, free and “facilitated” movement, employment (even when they are fully qualified), access to information, appropriate medical services and political participation. In addition to stereotypes and prejudice as well as lack of access to information, inclusion of PWDs in equal participation in all spheres of Ukrainian society is also hindered by physical barriers. These include: lack of accessibility of architecture and infrastructure and lack of transport accessibility, which prevent people with disabilities not only from fully exercising their right for independent living, but also from obtaining full access to education, justice system, labor market, culture, sports, health and financial services, information, tourism, electoral process etc.

Though Ukraine has developed and adopted solid legal framework to ensure the rights of PWDs and create accessible environment for their social integration, certain changes still need to be made, pertaining to harmonization of legislation with the Convention of for Rights of People with Disabilities and EU standards. These changes not only need to be made but operationalized and turned into a sustainable everyday practice.

Goals and Objectives of the Call for Applications

The goal of this Call for Applications is to support civic coalitions and initiatives in addressing disability issues through civic advocacy for promoting, protecting and ensuring social, economic and political inclusion of persons with disabilities in Ukraine.

The objective of the call is to support civil society initiatives that:

  • Support development of the wide sectoral horizontal networks and coalitions that engage civil society, media, business and other organizations and activists focusing on promoting rights of people with disabilities.
  • Educate, communicate and mobilize the demand for policy implementation or change;
  • Promote reform agenda that represents interests and needs of persons with disabilities;
  • Promote legislative change for harmonization with EU standards;
  • Promote legislative change to ensure non-discrimination of women with disabilities.

Eligibility criteria: Officially registered NGOs and consortia of registered NGOs from all regions of Ukraine are encouraged to apply.

The activities may include but are not limited to the following areas:

  • Promoting advocacy on the key issues of legislative harmonization and amendment;
  • Ensuring civic oversight on the implementation of the existing legislation;
  • Raising awareness on the issues on special needs of PWDs through civic education and media campaigns;

Selection criteria:

  • Relevance to the stated goals of the CFA;
  • Demonstrated potential for impact;
  • Demonstrated ability to convene and engage a wide range of governmental and non-governmental stakeholders (government, media, business, activists and general population);
  • Demonstrated potential to reach out to stakeholders;
  • Potential for sustainable results that will last beyond the project period;
  • Interconnectedness of the proposed project with other civil society initiatives and reform agenda and ability to enhance joint efforts to promote policy change

Preference is given to projects that:

  • Projects that include a variety of stakeholders as partners (including government authorities, media, business, etc);
  • Projects that demonstrate potential for impact and propose sustainability plan;
  • Projects with that plans for strong media coveragre;
  • Demonstrate innovative approaches in addressing the objectives of the call;
  • Address gender rights, protection and empowerment.

Please note that:

  • As part of the present competition, Pact cannot award grants to business organizations, political parties, government institutions, religious organizations or individuals.
  • Research can be one of the tools but not the only objective of the application.
  • The proposals should be submitted in English language.
  • The applicants will be notified of the status of their application in written form by e-mail.
  • Decision of the competition committee is final and cannot be subject to reconsideration.
  • Submitted concept papers cannot be returned or reviewed.

Grant amount: Pact plans to support up to 3 initiatives. The total pool for this CFA is up to USD 100,000.

Tentative duration of the grants: up to 6 months.

Deadline for submission of the proposals is 8 November 2015. If you are interested to apply, please use the UNITER proposal guidelines and budget template. Please, submit completed application electronically to the e-mail grants@pact.org.ua with the subject: Response to pre-election CFA.

CFA PWDs 2015

Громадський простір
