Премії Всесвітньої асоціації неурядових організацій

Премії Всесвітньої асоціації неурядових організацій
1 Червня 2018
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Премії Всесвітньої асоціації неурядових організаційВсесвітня асоціація неурядових організацій (WANGO) надає премії громадським організаціям з усього світу за визначні досягнення у служінні людству. Дедлайн – 15 липня 2018 року (далі – англ.).

The WANGO Awards program honors non-governmental organizations from throughout the world that demonstrate extraordinary effort, innovation, leadership, and excellence in providing service to humanity. WANGO not only recognizes prominent international NGOs, but also the smaller, lesser-known NGOs in the least developed countries, whose exemplary service and success may have gone unnoticed and unappreciated on the international stage.

In addition to recognition of NGOs, WANGO also honors outstanding individuals whose work involves them with the non-governmental community. The Universal Peace Award is presented to an outstanding individual who contributes substantially to world peace and global well-being.

The following are awards which are presented:

  • WANGO Peace & Security Award
  • WANGO Education, Media & the Arts Award
  • WANGO Environment Award
  • WANGO Human Rights Award
  • WANGO Family & Peace Award
  • WANGO Interreligious Cooperation Award
  • WANGO Universal Peace Award
  • WANGO Literary Peace Award

An Awards Selection Committee composed of experts drawn from both international and local NGOs, and intergovernmental organizations, select the winners from among nominations received and their own inquires.

The deadline for submitting nominations for the 2018 WANGO Awards is July 15, 2018.

Specifications for nominations

  1. Nominated NGOs and individuals should be of outstanding character and reputation.
  2. NGOs nominated for Awards in specific areas should have substantial accomplishments in those areas, and demonstrated exceptional effort, innovation, initiative, leadership, and excellence in providing service to humanity.
  3. Awards may not be self-nominated; that is, individuals that are affiliated with an NGO are not to nominate their own NGO, and individuals may not nominate themselves for a WANGO Award.

To recommend an award, please send the name of the organization and its qualifications, along with any supporting documentation, to the Awards Selection Committee. Newspaper articles, personal testimonies, recommendations from prominent leaders, and a report of activities would be useful for the Awards Selection Committee.

Send nominations to secretariat@wango.org, or mail to:

WANGO Awards
200 White Plains Road
First Floor
Tarrytown, NY 10591 USA

Please note that nominations are kept for three years. That is, if the Awards Selection Committee does not select a nominated NGO or individual, it will keep those documents and consider them in the following two years, and thus nominations need not be resubmitted during those times.


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