(4-е засідання) Конференція держав-учасниць Конвенції про права осіб з інвалідністю. Чотирнадцята сесія, COSP14 (15-17 червня 2021 р.)

(4-е засідання) Конференція держав-учасниць Конвенції про права осіб з інвалідністю. Чотирнадцята сесія, COSP14 (15-17 червня 2021 р.)
17 Червня 2021
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(4th meeting) Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Fourteenth session, COSP14 (15-17 June 2021)

Over 1 billion persons with disabilities have great potential and the ability to contribute in all aspects of development and society. Yet they have been in more marginalized situations due to historical discriminations and many forms of barriers that prevent their inclusion and participation equally and fully as members of our communities. In facing the current COVID-19 crises, evidence showed already that persons with disabilities are at greater risk and disproportionately affected by the COVID-19.

The 14th session of the Conference of States Parties to the CRPD will take place from 15 to 17 June 2021.

The themes of the Conference are as follows:
Overarching theme: Building back better: COVID-19 response and recovery; Meeting the needs, Realizing the rights, and Addressing the socio-economic impacts on persons with disabilities.
– Sub-theme 1: Protecting the rights of persons with disabilities in armed conflict and humanitarian emergencies
– Sub-theme 2: Living Independently, being included in the community
– Sub-theme 3: Right to education; challenges with inclusive education and accessibility during COVID-19

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