Children. War. Thoughts.

Children. War. Thoughts.
22 Лютого 2023
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The National Assembly of People with Disabilities of Ukraine addressed the organizations of parents raising children with disabilities with a request to involve children in discussing the events happening in Ukraine today – what children think about the war and what they are dreaming about.  We value the frankness and openness of children. Those who had difficulty with writing tried to draw their feelings so that we, adults, could understand them and feel their hopes, fears, and emotions. We are thankful to all the organizations that have supported our initiative and the parents for permission to communicate with the children.


If I could stop the war …

We are the children of war which stole our childhood from us, which took away our homes, friends, the possibility to study, go in for sports, and enjoy life.

We are victims of bomb raids, abuse, and murder by the russian military.

We dream of living in the peaceful and free Ukraine.

We are dreaming of coming back to our cities, of going to school, seeing our friends, and having a rest.

We are dreaming we do not hide in bomb shelters and live in shelters.

We are dreaming our dear ones will be with us.

We are dreaming of PEACE.


The children from various cities and of different age shared their thoughts about it.



