National Assembly of Persons with Disabilities of Ukraine (NAPD)

NAPD was founded on September, 22, 2001.

For the time being 120 public organizations are the members of NAPD which represent interests of people with disabilities from all regions of Ukraine. NAPD includes DPOs that represent people with different disabilities and health conditions, DPOs of women with disabilities, DPOs run by parents of children with disabilities, and others.

Social partnerships at the national and regional levels:

  • NAPD representatives are members of expert committees and working groups that operate under the national, regional and local authorities;
  • NAPD representatives are members of working groups created under the relevant ministries to support improvement of legislation and policy-making;
  • NAPD representatives work as councilors for social issues to the heads of regional administrations in many regions of Ukraine.

NAPD protects the rights of women and men with disabilities by implementing national and international programmes in the following fields:

  • Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the CRPD and CEDAW, international human rights treaties; preparing alternative reports and delivery of advocacy campaigns;
  • Lobbing improvements in legislation, participation in policy-making;
  • Building the capacity of women and men with disabilities, e.g. by raising the level of their legal literacy;
  • Aadvocating the rights of women and men with disabilities at different agencies;
  • Ensuring participation of women and men with disabilities in making decisions, which affect them, at all levels;
  • Creating accessible environment and services by implementing the principles of universal design;
  • Ensuring the right to education, quality healthcare, employment and social protection;
  • Ensuring the rights of internally displaced women and men with disabilities.

NAPD cooperates with international agencies, public and faith-based organizations, media, and public authorities. In our project work we cooperate with UNDP, UNICEF, WHO, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, NATO, Embassies, USAID, International Foundation SOFT tulip, IFES, HealthProm and others.

National Assembly of Persons with Disabilities of Ukraine
01030, Kyiv, Reytarska str., 8 / 5A
tel / fax: 279-61-82, 279-61-74