Assistance for People with Visual Impairments

Assistance for People with Visual Impairments
26 Січня 2023
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More than 80 persons with visual impairments from the most war-affected communities of Chernihiv, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, Sumy, Donetsk, and Kyiv regions have received financial support from the European Blind Union. The assistance was provided in accordance with Ukraine’s legislation, on the basis of official letters from public organizations of people with disabilities (with visual impairments) to the NAPD Secretariat and in response to individual appeals from the people.

Also, the repair works in the Center for internally displaced persons (Ukrainian Society of the Blind) in Dnipro city were supported. This Center was damaged by a rocket hit on November 26, 2022. Currently, about one hundred people are living there on a permanent basis. «Owing to the received financial aid, we have been able to partially repair the premises so that the people could continue living there,” says Serhii Kit, director of the enterprise belonging to the Ukrainian Society of the Blind.

The support was provided to enable further operation of the Informative and Consultative “Hub for Blind», supported by the All-Ukrainian League of the Organizations of Persons with Visual Disabilities ‘THE MODERN LOOK.’ During the month of the Hub’s operation, more than one hundred people who lost their eyesight in the wartime and their family members have applied for help.

“We are thankful for the support to the European Blind Union. The number of the Hub’s hotline phone calls is increasing every day. Our group of consultants fully consists of people with visual impairments, and it is gradually transforming into a multidisciplinary online-team providing assistance and consulting on a big variety of issues. The scope of the issues varies from the questions on where to obtain rehabilitation and a walking cane to how one’s home can be adjusted, how to learn to differentiate the clothes by colors, how to cook food, how to learn living independently, and other issues.”  Lesia Perepechenko, Public UnionAllUkrainian League of Organizations of Persons with Visual Disabilities ‘MODERN LOOK’

The National Assembly of People with Disabilities expresses its gratitude to the European Blind Union for the provided targeted financial support to people with visual impairments.


