Cash Feasibility Assessment conducted on adult internally displaced people (IDPs) with disabilities in Ukraine in May/June 2022
2 August 2022
This report describes a Cash Feasibility Assessment conducted on adult internally displaced people (IDPs) with disabilities in Ukraine in May/June 2022. The assessment was done by the National Assembly of Persons with Disabilities in Ukraine with the technical leadership of CBM Global as part of the European Disability Forum project Ukraine war: OPD led disability inclusive response and recovery.
The assessment is an independent survey aimed at gaining an understanding of cash-related barriers and protection risk factors that can hinder access to multipurpose cash (MPC) grants amongst displaced persons with disabilities. It is intended to complement existing cash programming, and guide and inform cash actors in Ukraine when designing current emergency cash programming.
The report intends to:
Identify the appropriateness and acceptance of available MPC delivery mechanisms and whether they accommodate the preferences and needs of displaced individuals with disabilities
Identify barriers to accessing cash and markets
Identify cash-related protection risks for cash recipients with disabilities
Identify any extra cost displaced individuals with disabilities incur post displacement, and any implications this has on setting a transfer value that accommodates minimum expenditures for Households (HHs) with disabilities
Provide a set of recommendations to ensure that persons with disabilities enjoy full access to and equal participation in cash programming
To do this, the Cash Transfer Feasibility Assessment was structured around five indicators identified as essential dimensions when measuring the overall feasibility of MPC: access, acceptance, appropriateness, cost of living, and protection risks associated with cash programming. The report is structured around addressing the overall feasibility of MPC amongst displaced persons with disabilities at national level.
Content and Author: Adva Rodogovsky, Senior Humanitarian Programmes Officer, CBM Global Disability Inclusion.
This report has benefited from the valuable contributions and comments of the National Assembly of Persons with Disabilities in Ukraine (NAPD), in particular Larysa Bayda, Pavlo Zhdan, Alla Sotska, and Viktoria Nazarenko, and the European Disability Forum (EDF), in particular Gordon Rattray and Mariya Yasenovska.
Data analysis support: Pallab Regmi, Dheni Ardhian, John Tamayo
Readers: We actively encourage your feedback so your comments may be fed into future design and implementation of inclusive Cash Transfer Programmes. Please contact us:
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