НАІУ отримала листа-подяку від Європейського Комітету з економічних та суцільних питань (eng)

НАІУ отримала листа-подяку від Європейського Комітету з економічних та суцільних питань (eng)
1 Квітня 2022
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Представниці Секретаріату НАІУ брали участь в пленарному засіданні Європейського Комітету з економічних та суцільних питань і отримали лист подяку. Члени Комітету високо оцінили внесок НАІУ в дискусію щодо резолюції по Україні. «Ваше втручання, безсумнівно, відгукнеться в наших думках і надихне нас продовжувати та посилювати наші зусилля, щоб допомогти вашій країні та її народу” ̶  йдеться у листі. Нижче публікуємо повний текст листа.





Brussels, 1st April 2022

Ms Yevgenya PAVLOVA
National Assembly of People with Disabilities of Ukraine


Dear Ms Pavlova,

On behalf of the Members of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), I would like to thank you very much for your participation in the EESC’s plenary session on 24 March.

Giving your input to the debate on the resolution “War in Ukraine and its economic, social and environmental impact” and sharing your touching personal experience were greatly appreciated by our Members. Your intervention will certainly resonate on our minds and inspire us to continue and to step up further our efforts to help your country and its people.

In our resolution, we pay tribute to the tremendous bravery shown by the people of Ukraine who are defending Ukraine against the Russian invaders and we demand enhanced support for the Ukrainian civil society. We also call for a full implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive by guaranteeing the full range of rights provided by the Directive, which include access to the labour market, housing, health care, education and welfare support, for all those who are entitled to this protection and that the needs of vulnerable groups, especially children, women, the elderly and people with disabilities, are addressed adequately.

I would like to conclude by thanking you once more for your valuable contribution. The Committee looks forward to continuing our co-operation within the well-established EU-Ukraine civil society platform as well as on institutional level. Be assured that the EESC will maintain solidarity with Ukraine and will not cease to support your civil society.

We stand with Ukraine.

Yours sincerely,


Encl.: EESC Resolution “War in Ukraine and its economic, social and environmental impact”

Cc: Ms Viktoria Nazarenko, General Secretary of the NADP

Ms Larysa Bayda, Head of Department for Legal Advocacy and Organizational Development of the NADP