ANALYTIC REPORT on the results of the survey on the access of people with disabilities to various types of aid and services provided at their permanent places of residence during the wartime

The public union “All-Ukrainian Public Organization “The National Assembly of People with Disabilities of Ukraine” has conducted a survey to assess the access of people with disabilities to various types of assistance and services provided within their permanent places of residence in the wartime period.

The key goal was to gather and analyze the information on the state of social and financial security of people with disabilities and their access to various services (social, medical, administrative and other services).

The analysis of the obtained results enabled a formulation of generalized conclusions and proposals concerning the raised questions.

The survey was implemented by the National Assembly of People with Disabilities of Ukraine (NAPDU) with the support from the European Disability Forum.

eir genuine interest and concerns in helping to identify the existing problems in the lives of the target category of population, which allows for further elaboration of suggestions addressing these problems.

The analytic report was prepared by Larysa Bayda, Pavlo Zhdan, Viktoria Nazarenko, and Alla Sotska.

This work supported by the EDF CBM project “Ukraine war: OPD led disability inclusive response and recovery”

We are thankful to the heads and leaders of public organizations of people with disabilities – members of the National Assembly of People with Disabilities of Ukraine – for their quick responsiveness and help in conducting the survey.

We are grateful to people with disabilities as the survey participants for their frank and open responses to the survey questions and for th

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