We have collected information / resources about people with disabilities in Ukraine

We have collected information / resources about people with disabilities in Ukraine for distribution: Protection and safety of persons with disabilities in Ukraine– 24 February 2022 Millions with disabilities ‘abandoned’ in


DRAFT RESOLUTION Proposed by the EESC President to be adopted by the European Economic and Social Committee on 24 March 2022 War in Ukraine and its economic, social and environmental impact

DRAFT RESOLUTION Proposed by the EESC President to be adopted by the European Economic and Social Committee on 24 March 2022 War in Ukraine and its economic, social and environmental


Підтримка від організацій людей з інвалідністю Великої Британії (укр / eng)

Люди з інвалідністю в Україні Як організації для захисту прав осіб з інвалідністю у Сполученому Королівстві, ми одностайно підтримуємо людей з інвалідністю в Україні, чиє право на мирне життя було


Reuters: Fate of Ukrainians with disabilities a ‘crisis within a crisis’

LISBON, March 11 (Reuters) – A Ukrainian disability campaigner could barely hold back the tears when she told of a young man with cerebral palsy who she said was killed


Resolution on Protection and safety of persons with disabilities in the war in Ukraine  

Adopted by the Board of the European Disability Forum on March 11th 2022 Document for adoption Stressing that there are an estimated 2.7 million persons with disabilities registered in Ukraine Considering


United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Request for CRPD Committee meeting and adoption of written statement on persons with disabilities in Ukraine and fleeing the country

Brussels, 14 March 2022 Ref. EDF-22-24-YV   Re: Request for CRPD Committee meeting and adoption of written statement on persons with disabilities in Ukraine and fleeing the country   Dear


Серцем і душею ми з вами

До Національної Асамблеї  людей з інвалідністю України надійшов лист від японської організації  надавачів послуг для дорослих – Kyosaren. Серцем і душею вони з Україною та українцями з інвалідністю.  Вони нас


Apel Ogólnokrajowego Zgromadzenia Osób Niepełnosprawnych Ukrainy

Міжнародна спільнота чує нас. Польські ЗМІ опублікували наше звернення https://bialyorzel24.com/apel-ogolnokrajowego-zgromadzenia-osob-niepelnosprawnych-ukrainy/ Ogólnokrajowe Zgromadzenie Osób Niepełnosprawnych Ukrainy (The National Assembly of People with Disabilities of Ukraine – NADP) w imieniu ponad 100


Act Now to Support Ukrainians with Disabilities and their Families

The majority of the 2.7 million people with disabilities in Ukraine are in an extremely threatened position, in large part because they are unable to access safety – even basic


The National Assembly of People with Disabilities continue its work

The National Assembly of People with Disabilities continue its work. We are helping people with disabilities, elderly people, women and children. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to
